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Way out west 2019


Tre små band du bör kolla in på Way Out Wests torsdagsprogram:

Jag hittade till Bedouines fantastiska självbetitlade skiva efter att Kevin Morby satte den som sin favorit för 2017. Den blev snabbt en av mina också. Den som har #llamalloydzine no. 1 vet vilken plats den hamnade på min topp tio. Jag måste verkligen ge hennes uppföljare Bird Songs of a Killjoy mer tid innan Wow! Spelar 23.30 på Oceanen.

Stella Donnelly.
Stella Donnelly är australienskan som sjunger om chefer som runkar till CCTVn och om rape culture i Boys will be boys. Spelar 23.00 på Pustervik, så du får välja henne eller Bedouine ovan. Eftersom jag kommer se Stella på End of the Road om en månad väljer jag Bedouine som faktiskt redan spelat två gånger i Göteborg förra året, men jag har missat båda: På Clandestino och som förband till Father John Misty.

Orville Peck.
En ny upptäckt jag är väldigt nyfiken på, en crooner över shoegaze. Jag stannar kvar efter Bedouine och kollar läget. Spelar 00.30 på Oceanen.

Förutom dessa tre små band bör du absolut även kolla in Julien Baker och Idles (som gjorde en av mina topp 5 spelningar på Primavera förra året) och givetvis bör du gråta en skvätt till sublima Spiritualized, som låg bakom förra årets bästa skiva och jag såg nåt geni ha Ladies and Gentlemen we’re floating in space på sitt bröllop. Den kommer välta dig.



Parcels spelade i Paris, Daft Punk var i publiken och bjöd in dem till studion. Kreddigaste jag läst i år. Och låten Daft Punk producerade, Overnight, låter fan bättre i den här live-versionen vilken ju är lovande inför deras spelning! Pusterviks stora scen 01.30.

Lauran Hibberd.
Det sägs att indierocken tagits över av kvinnor det senaste åren och i kölvattnet till Feist, Angel Olsen och Waxahatchee hittar vi många andra kvinnor som kör gitarrbaserat. Denna brittiska föll mig i smaken. Pusterviks lilla scen 01.00.

Morabeza Tobacco.
Gustav och Vanilla möttes när sistnämnda DJade i Norrköping och de började skicka låtar fram och tillbaka online och döpte sedermera sin duo efter en tobaksaffär vid Mariatorget i Stockholm. Dream-pop. 00.00 på Oceanen.

Stereolab är annars största akten för mig på fredagen, och jag kommer nog kolla om Iceage blivit bättre live och ta en öl till Khruangbin.

Virginia and the Flood.


Virgina and the Flood.
När Cornelia Adamsson flyttade från Stockholm till Göteborg fick hennes musik vingar. Jag kommer att tänka på Mölndals stolthet Promise and the Monster och det är en artist jag saknar oerhört. Virginia and the Flood spelar 00.00 på Oceanen.

Makaya McCraven.
En jazztrummis jag verkligen föll för när jag kollade upp programmet. Läst mig till att han är ordentligt skolad, men vet inte så mycket om honom, mer än jag gillar’t! Pusterviks stora scen 00.00.

KOKOROKO är ett ungt åttamannaband från London som jag tror kommer få Pustervik att dansa som bara sista kvällen på en festival kan. Innan de spelar på Pusterviks stora scen 01.30 har Luger även klämt in Durand Jones & The Indications (01.00) som vid en första lyssning känns som underbar retro-soul. Mums. Blir nog en svettig och go avslutning på den här festivalen.

Större akter jag inte missar på lördagen är förresten: Erykah Badu, Girlpool (ok, inte jättestora…) samt Stockholms bästa band Viagra Boys.

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My favorite albums of 2014.

Avi Buffalo Press Photo by Renata Raksha

Here’s my favorite albums of 2014. One song from every album. All brilliant music. Since everything isn’t on Spotify I used Youtube, the Killers Walk Among Us track was only available as a live piece, unfortunately. Besides that everything. That’s more than we can say about Spotify where no 3, Ty Segall, wasn’t available. At least not his last album.

Avi Buffalo – At best cuckold
Mac DeMarco – Salad Days
Ty Segall – Manipulator
Temples – Sun Structures
Alvvays – s/t

Shellac – Dude Incredible
St Vincent – s/t
Angel Olsen – Burn your fire for no witness
Woods – With Light and With Love
White Fence – For the recently found innocent

The Wytches – Annabel Dream Reader
Grouper – Ruins
Luluc – Passerby
Mourn – s/t
Iceage – Plowing into the field of love

Allah-Las – Worship the sun
Alice Boman – EP II & Skisser
Caribou – Our Love
Killers Walk Among Us – s/t
War on Drugs – Lost in the dream

Goat – Commune
Damien Jurado – Brothers and Sisters of the Eternal Son
Kindness – Otherness
Peggy Sue – Choir of echoes
Ought – More than any other day

Perfect Pussy – s/t
The Growlers – Chines Fountain
Phantogram – Voices
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings – Give the people what they want
Steve Gunn – Way Out Weather

I’ve interviewed a few of these acts about food! Check them out!
Avi Buffalo
Steve Albini (Shellac)
Alice Boman
Meredith Graves (Perfect Pussy)

If you wanna keep track of what I like more often than when I take time to blog about it, check the #llamalloydapproved-hashtag on twitter.

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WWDIS Summerfest, 9-10 Juli, Pustervik resp Trädgårn

I vintras gjorde jag ett blandband med artister jag ville Way Out West skulle boka. Några månader senare annonserades att klubben What We Do Is Secret skulle arrangera sin sommarfest även i Göteborg och två av banden jag önskat stod med på lineupen, King Khan and the Shrines samt Death From Above 1979. Därtill kom dessutom Fidlar, som hade ställt in sin Primavera-spelning och en massa andra goa band. Jag gjorde små recensioner på Instagram som jag nu samlat i sin helhet här. All in all var det en skitbra festival och trots lite lite folk hoppas jag att det blir en till nästa år. Nu är det bara att börja peppa inför Way Out West istället, yeah!

MF/MB öppnar fantastiskt med två trummisar, de påminner en hel del om Silverbullit fast med mer skrik. Super!

Holograms börjar lite trist, lyfter lite med Monolith, men MF/MB har satt en hög ribba för kvällen. De försöker på samma höjd och ribban ligger kvar ibland, bland annat på Memories of Sweat, men faller desto fler gånger.

Världens coolaste Sanae Yamada dansar sönder sin keyboard medan Ripley Johnson manglar gitarr och denna gång med trummis istället för trummaskin. Moon Duo är merchköparmaterial!

Ser bara slutet och M. Lamar som ger intrycket av en än mer plågad Antony Hegarty. Välter inga murar dock. 

Dead skeletons tar stafettpinnen från Moon duo med deras monotona gitarrer och skojar till det med att måla en dödskalle i vattenfärg innan deras predikan fortsätter med sånger om död framför en astronomisk backdrop och en uppfälld väska toppad med massa rökelse som berättar i video-form att vi alla är en. Underbart flummigt.

Aluk Todolo var mycket bättre live än på skiva. Upplysta av endast en gammal glödlampa mölar de sönder restaurangdelen av Pustervik.

Jag missade merparten av I Break Horses spelning på grund av en intervju, men fick höra några låtar med Maria Lindéns underbara röst. Alltid underbart drömskt.

Överskattade danskjävlarna Iceage som gärna kan förbli hemliga om ni frågar mig.

Kvällens höjdpunkt var som väntat King Khan och hans Shrines. Hälften av spelningen spenderar han med att springa omkring bland publiken, men han lyckas ändå hålla igång rösten samtidigt som The Shrines fullkomligt manglar oss med sin garagiga soul. Hade en inte varit så trött i benen hade en ju dansat sönder fullkomligt.

Efter King Khan var klara kilade jag uppför trappan och fann en snubbe, Christian, dansandes till de två damerna som kom från ”långbortistan”, alltså de hemlighetsfulla Goats DJ-set. Svängigt!


En Samling män (sju!) drar igång Summerfests andra dag. Deras psykadelika gör att jag inte skulle tacka nej till lite svamp. Jag undrar för övrigt om den sjunde snubben blivit inkvoterad då han saknar skägg?

Jag hoppas inte Westkust ska oooa hela natten…

Festivalens första rysningar bjuder fantastiska duon Two Gallants på. Jag har alltid trott att de varit en elektronisk akt och helt missat dem. Skjut mig.

Jag tröttnar rätt snart på japanerna i Guitar Wolf. Visst, deras grej är kul, men det blir tjatigt i längden. Säger samma snubbe som gillar monotonin i Moon Duo och Dead Skeletons…

Jag frågade väldigt sent om en matintervju med Parquet Courts inför deras spelning i Barcelona. Jag hade tänkt basera en fråga på den här fantastiska textraden: ”I was debating Swedish Fish, roasted peanuts or licorice. I was so stoned and starving.” Jag missade dem tyvärr då, men igår gjorde de en fin spelning och speciellt de energiska partierna är de riktigt bra. Gitarristen Austin Brown ser för övrigt ut som en ung Thurston Moore och spelar stundtals som den samme.

Fantastiska Sic Alps blandar upp The Whos The Seeker i sitt set och det smälter in alldeles ljuvligt. Få band som är så satans bra att en sån tolkning inte sticker ut!

White fence manglar fint i rök, men jag vill ha mer ös. 

Trubbel fick ersätta inställda Death From Above 1979, vilket givetvis inte går. Jag hade inte hört dem tidigare och kommer nog inte höra dem igen. Förhoppningsvis inte.

Älskade Fidlar. Dessa sluskar föll jag handlöst för för snart ett år sedan när de sjöng om att dricka billig bärs och knarka. Så jävla bra att jag för första gången på många år hamnade i deras mosh! Således: I need a new body and a new soul!

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Primavera Sound 2012.

Sleigh Bells, photo: Robin Olsson

Sleigh Bells, photo: Robin Olsson

Since there aren’t any Swedish vowels on this keyboard I’ll just do this in English, otherwise I would have to tell you about “Navel”.

The festival started with a free gig for all at Arc de Triomf. It’s a very nice idea to have free gigs since a lot of the young in Barcelona can’t afford coming to the festival any more. When I was here for the first time, in 2006, Swedes were so rare that when I ran into José González he thought I was in one of the other Swedish bands, I’m from Barcelona. These days, 40% of the festival-goers are from abroad and you can hear Swedish everywhere.

The first act was Jeremy Jay at the packed park, he went by without striking any chords with me, after that The Wedding Present played their beautiful album Seamonsters, it was alright, but pretty much just another reunion show. The Walkmen were ok, but they seem to have had their hay day. Black Lips, who closed the park are always fun, but I prefer them on album. We took a taxi but still had to queue for an hour or so to get into the “secret gig” at Apolo with very good Chairlift, so-so Beach Fossils and boring Kindness.

Thursday means the first day at the beautiful Parc del Forum, last year it started with a wonderful gig with Spanish postrockers Toundra, it’s the best slot for Spanish bands since nothing else is playing. This year it was an electronic duo called Pegasvs, it was decent, but an hour later another Spanish band, Unicornibot, played the stage right next to it, they had tinfoil around their heads and played wonderfully bizarre music that made me think about Lightning Bolt, but they had a full band, this year’s Toundra, for sure! I went over to the stage right next to it, to check out one of the most hyped bands at the moment, Purity Ring, who were a girl in an old-school dress and a guy playing these strange lights, it was a strange but rather beautiful thing, I liked it, but went back to see another dose of Unicornibot and then onto boring Baxter Dury, whom I left to burn away in the sun. Way over at the Mini stage Friends were playing. No, no, not the Bert Karlsson bullshit, this was group of friends from Brooklyn who played a very nice ESG-influenced indie-disco, the singer Samantha Urbani sat on a security guard’s shoulders and sang a song moving around the audience. Fun with friends. After that the boring Danish kids in Iceage performed, I couldn’t really care less. I was mostly just waiting for one of my highlights, Grimes, who were to perform at the same Pitchfork stage. She had some sound problems but we had had just the right amount of beer to get to dancing. My friend Éric took the lead and took us up front and he was waving his flag in support of the Montréal protests, the flag wandered to the hands of Grimes’s brother who were dancing on stage with some other friends, it was a lot of fun.

When I saw this year’s lineup I was intrigued to see Death Cab for Cutie again, it’s been eight years since I saw them last, but then I made a podcast where Lars recommended White Denim, this rock trio from Texas. I ended up choosing them over Death Cab, who’s last album is quite dull anyways. The Texans had an extra guitarist along and the four of them jammed forever, it was great to see, really marvellous musicians! Then I saw the last song by Mazzy Star which was a lot louder than I thought it would be. Good stuff, then onto well-known and well-seen Wilco, who I was about to leave for Thee Oh Sees, but then Jesus Etc came on. You just can’t go then… The night continued with a dash of nicely done hardcore from Refused, a little of boring The XX, then some desert rock from lovely Bombino, dull rap from A$AP Rocky, a lovely set from Spiritualized with it’s mix of shoe-gaze and gospel. Then we closed the night with a little dance with Spanish electro-man John Talabot.

We were early to get our hands on Jeff Mangum tickets and hung out in Auditori with Nick Garrie doing his nice singer-songwriter album The Nightmare of J.B. Stanislas. I almost fell asleep. I kinda tried to be honest. Laura Marling was more interesting and “Alas I cannot swim” gave me goose-bumps. After the gig the queues for Jeff Mangum were huge and I got really annoyed with people jumping it. After a while I had to realize this isn’t Sweden and the world (Sweden included) is becoming a really terribly egoistic place. Jeff Mangum was all by himself, just a few guitars, a chair and a mic. Todos. With this he performed most of his masterpiece with Neutral Milk Hotel, In an Aeroplane over the Sea. More goosebumps! Best grade you can get! After that there was one of the biggest clashes; I Break Horses and Lower Dens. I started with the Swedes, they were good but I went over to Lower Dens and came in the middle of the lovely “Brains” and thoroughly enjoy them. Then a little African Cubanese music with Afrocubism, loads of guys on stage. A nice rhythmic detour from the indie scene. Then straight into straight rock with The War on Drugs. It was very straight, not gay at all. The Cure were kinda boring, but we might not have giving them our ears’s full attention. We mostly attended our mouths with beer in the VIP section. The beer weren’t free anymore and I will probably not buy the VIP next year since the first “normal” tickets go for a lot less and I prefer to drink my beer where I can see the bands. I left a while in to go see Sleigh Bells who I really enjoyed, I was a bit intrigued to see if there was gonna be a live insane drummer or not, it was just a bunch of Marshall stacks instead but I loved it anyways, danced like a mad man. Went over to the clashing Dirty Three, had a beer and I totally loved the brilliantly alarm that was Some Summers They Drop Like Flies which closed their set. A friend had told me that I had to see M83, who I think has a good song here and there but live was kinda dull so I left after a few songs. Codeine were a lot better, sounded like Slint. Good stuff. SBTRKT were boring and I fell asleep to The Men. When I woke up Éric had texted me four times and he had been kicked out because of the flag, you see it’s a red square without any text so naturally people here in Spain won’t know that it represents a solidarity to the kids in Quebec, I can totally see it rings differently here. But he got in again when they found my booking in the computer. I’m glad he could come in and enjoy this festival’s best gig; The Rapture, they were totally amazing, I really love the bass player and highlights included “House of Jealous Lovers” and the track that stood out from last year’s album In the Grace of your love; “How deep is your love?” To answer that question is easy; very.

We hung out in the park for Dirty Beaches, who Éric did an interview with. It was a little slow and minimal, but hanging out in a park is always nice. I met a girl I made friends with when I gave her my Sufjan Stevens ticket to last year’s amazing gig in the Auditori. A little more sedative Nick Garrie again and some nice rock tunes from Obits. Bleached were the shittiest band I’ve seen in quite some time. Straight outta their mother’s basement where they spent an hour or two.

We went over to the Forum area and had the same kebab as the day before, we’re Swedish after all. Being Swedish I went to see Jeff Mangum play another, different, set. This time with more b-sides and rarities than before. Before that I passed by the dull Sharon van Etten and the equally boring Tall Firs. After Mangum I checked out Buffy Sainte-Marie, the indian singer most well-known for the classic track “Universal Soldier”. Her new approach was a lot more rock, but when she did her stuff from the sixties it was a lot more satisfying. All in all quite boring, though. Saw The Olivia Tremor Control perform “Jumping Fences” and then went over to Mini where almost everyone seemed to be watching Beach House. They’ve gotten too big, I liked them a lot on smaller stages and you know what you’re going to get so I went over to another gig where you know what you’re going to get; Shellac.
Their annual gig seems to always clash with something, I saw most of it where they performed two new tracks and it was the usual bliss that Steve Albini, Todd Trainer and Bob Weston gives us. When they did “The End of Radio” I jumped the fence and ran over to Chromatics and saw them do their last three songs. It was insanely packed. For the first time in Primavera history (at Parc del Forum at least) they sold out, 42 000 people were around this day, normally it’s around 30 000. Chromatics were good and closed their set with “Into the Black”, their beautiful cover of Neil Young’s “Hey Hey My My”. I finally understood where the VIP section at Mini was and I felt a bit awkward having a secluded area right by the stage. Yo La Tengo started a bit boring but came to and did great versions of “Mr Tough”, “Autumn Sweater” and the wonderful noise of “Pass The Hatchet, I Think I’m Goodkind”. The last went on for more than the normal 11 minutes I believe. Just lovely noise. On the way back I saw some of the old dudes doing the punk that is The Pop Group. So-so. Had two chocolate pancakes and hung out in the food court, checked out boring Neon Indian and bought a poster from a nice German before heading back.

Milk Music were a rocky bunch that didn’t catch my ears at all, Zacharias filmed the gig, though, so I guess he liked it. Girls Names were pretty nice and I liked the twee that is Veronica Falls. Then we wrestled in the park and I won over Zacharias in a sprint. Good park fun. We continued with orange fights instead of the packed gigs at Arc de Triumf. Finally there was truce and we saw a little of boring Yann Tiersen and the Morrissey-esque Richard Hawley. Took a perfect break for the rain with sangria. I still suffer from that, or maybe it’s the six days drinking that I’m suffering from. All in all, this was the less interesting Primavera I’ve been to, especially Saturday was quite uninteresting, I want to be blown away a few times more. Better luck next year.

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Veckans tips 6-13:e april.

Hej vänner, jag tänkte, som så många andra, vila upp mig hos ett par päron i helgen. Men på måndag, annandag påsk, måste du komma på det här:

Måndag 9:e april: Releasefest, Llama Lloyd, Konvaljegatan 4A, kl 12.

På måndag slänger vi det här halvdana wordpress-temat i papperskorgen och låter den nya, fina sidan komma fram. Jag har lärt mig på Instagram att man numera äter tårta när man publicerar hemsidor. Så jag tänkte bjuda på det jag själv gillar bäst i tårtväg; Smörgåstårta! Vet ni inte var jag bor? Konvaljegatan 4a, gå in på gården från Långängen 35 och ring på R. Olsson. Joina eventet på fejjan!.

Lördag 7:e april: World Pillow Fight, Kopparmärra, kl 15.

För tre år sedan bodde jag på Baltic Street i Brooklyn, begav mig till Wall Street, men glömde ta med mig kudden, så jag fick sälla mig till den hälft av folksamlingen som agerade fotografer. Det var kul. Det kan det nog bli vid Kopparmärra också. Fejjan.

Lördag 7:e april: GAS – Göteborg Art Sounds, Rio Rio, kl 19.

Jag känner inte till så mycket mer än Midaircondo och Andreas Tilliander i den här lineupen, egentligen, men tror det blir en fin kväll. Fejjan.

Söndag 8:e april: Iceage, Lower, Rorcal & Jasper TX, Skjul Fyra Sex, kl 20.

Allas vår Christian Pallin och hans Koloni har fått hit danskarna i Iceage flera månader innan deras Way Out West-spelning. Och här får du ölen billigt utan att köa halva konserten. Pass på! Facebook.