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Mark in Woodpigeon: The way to a man’s heart is via tuna

Woodpigeon. Photo: Paolo Calamita.
Woodpigeon. Photo: Paolo Calamita.

Woodpigeon are a Canadian (hey, we didn’t ask about poutine this time, ok?) indie rock band from Calgary based around Mark Andrew Hamilton. They’ve released a handful of albums and today Fierce panda are releasing their new LP, Thumbtacks and Glue. We emailed Mark with a few questions about food primarily based on these new songs! Listen to the album and the three old songs these questions are based on here.

If you could bring a person back from life. What food would you serve them to enjoy life again?

I’ve learned how to make Kaiserschmarrn in Vienna, and that would definitely be at the top of the list for things worthy of coming back to life for.

Do you grow your own vegetables?

I used to, actually. I had quite a nice garden while I was still living in Calgary. We ate quite a lot out of that little piece of land every year.

What do lies taste like?

Bad cigarettes.

What’s your favorite wine? And your favorite cheese to enjoy it with?

I don’t actually drink a drop of alcohol, but the person the song is about was definitely into a bit now and then. As for Cheese, I really like the harder ones. I really love Swedish table cheese in those large cylinders.

I once stuffed a goose for halloween, when we couldn’t find a turkey in the German black forest. What do you normally stuff your bird with?

Inspiration. Ideas. Hope.

If you were having a love affair with a man on a pirate ship, what do you reckon you’d offer him food-wise on your first date?

I’ve recently just tried whale fillet for the first time (while in Iceland – don’t be mad at me, readers!). But I know a good route to a man’s stomach is via tuna.

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