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My favorite albums of 2014.

Avi Buffalo Press Photo by Renata Raksha

Here’s my favorite albums of 2014. One song from every album. All brilliant music. Since everything isn’t on Spotify I used Youtube, the Killers Walk Among Us track was only available as a live piece, unfortunately. Besides that everything. That’s more than we can say about Spotify where no 3, Ty Segall, wasn’t available. At least not his last album.

Avi Buffalo – At best cuckold
Mac DeMarco – Salad Days
Ty Segall – Manipulator
Temples – Sun Structures
Alvvays – s/t

Shellac – Dude Incredible
St Vincent – s/t
Angel Olsen – Burn your fire for no witness
Woods – With Light and With Love
White Fence – For the recently found innocent

The Wytches – Annabel Dream Reader
Grouper – Ruins
Luluc – Passerby
Mourn – s/t
Iceage – Plowing into the field of love

Allah-Las – Worship the sun
Alice Boman – EP II & Skisser
Caribou – Our Love
Killers Walk Among Us – s/t
War on Drugs – Lost in the dream

Goat – Commune
Damien Jurado – Brothers and Sisters of the Eternal Son
Kindness – Otherness
Peggy Sue – Choir of echoes
Ought – More than any other day

Perfect Pussy – s/t
The Growlers – Chines Fountain
Phantogram – Voices
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings – Give the people what they want
Steve Gunn – Way Out Weather

I’ve interviewed a few of these acts about food! Check them out!
Avi Buffalo
Steve Albini (Shellac)
Alice Boman
Meredith Graves (Perfect Pussy)

If you wanna keep track of what I like more often than when I take time to blog about it, check the #llamalloydapproved-hashtag on twitter.

Publicerad den

Tre små band på Way out west – fredag.

Igår tipsade jag om The Garden och de var så bra att jag köpte tisha. Sjukt roliga.

Mac DeMarco, Polketten på Liseberg, kl 02.00

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Piano och Danmarks vackraste röst. Underbart fint.